Freeze-dried fruit and other freeze-dried products have been around for decades and were developed to make it easier for people with an active lifestyle to eat and transport food. All the water from the fresh fruit is extracted, leaving only the purest nutritional value of the product.

This is how it works: The fruit is placed in a vacuum chamber and the temperature drops below the freezing point. The temperature rises slowly and the frozen water molecules become gaseous – they never become liquid. Thanks to this, the structure of the fruit and its nutritional value are preserved.

Although it may not be so obvious, freeze-dried fruit can be a healthier choice than regular dried fruit. Without the use of the freeze-drying process to keep the fruit fresh longer, most dried fruit snacks must contain sugar and preservatives to prevent them from spoiling. Freeze-dried fruit does not contain preservatives or any additives. It is a naturally concentrated form of fruit.


The taste of freeze-dried fruit is exactly the same as that of fresh fruit. The only difference is its intensity. The taste of freeze-dried fruit is stronger. When you buy freeze-dried cranberries, you can enjoy their original taste without adding sugar. It is similar with other freeze-dried fruit: strawberries, raspberries, blackcurrants or mangoes.


Because the concentration of freeze-dried fruit is very high, one serving contains a lot of nutritional value. Studies have shown that freeze-dried fruit contains up to 90% of its original nutrients. This means you can still get your daily doses of vitamin C, vitamin A and other essential nutrients without always having fresh fruit at hand.


The reduced calorie content in freeze-dried fruits makes them ideal for those craving sweets while limiting the consumption of other fattening snacks. However, before buying, it is worth checking whether the product contains only fruit and does not contain any additional sugars, sweeteners or preservatives. As a result, you can enjoy a guilt-free snack anytime, anywhere, even when you’re out.


Freeze-dried fruit is rich in fibre. Introducing the right amount of fibre to your diet is essential for regulating your digestive system and keeping your cholesterol levels low. A bag of crunchy freeze-dried bananas contains two grams of dietary fibre, which is a good choice for people who wish to introduce more fibre to their diet.


Theoretically, under favourable conditions, freeze-dried fruit can be stored for many years. In general, the advantage of freeze-dried fruit is that we can store them for a long time in airtight containers, on shelves or in food warehouses.


A common misconception is that freeze-dried or dried (unsweetened) fruit contains more sugar than fresh fruit. The real difference is the sugar concentration, not the amount of sugar. During the freeze-drying process, water is removed from the fruit, which means that the fruit’s weight is reduced, which in turn concentrates the sugar, making it easier to consume more servings with less product than when fresh. In other words, dried fruit (unsweetened) or freeze-dried fruit does not have a higher sugar content than fresh fruit, but it’s easier to eat in large quantities and get a higher sugar concentration in less time. Therefore, they should be introduced as a diversification in diet, and not as a substitute for its diversity.


Freeze-drying is becoming an increasingly popular method of drying fruit. More and more types of freeze-dried fruit appear on the market – from the most popular fruits, such as strawberries or raspberries, to exotic fruits, such as mangoes and pineapples. That is why every enthusiast of healthy snacks can find attractive fruits in this variety.

Freeze-dried fruit can be whole, e.g. blackcurrants or redcurrants, however, they are usually sold in flakes such as raspberries, peaches, mangoes and pineapples.


Freeze-dried raspberries provide a concentrated and delicious natural fruit flavour. You can chew them on their own or you can add them to homemade baked goods. Eating the freeze-dried version of raspberries is good! Did you know that a cup of raspberries contains 43% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin C, as well as manganese and fibre?

vitamin C can improve eye health, manganese supports bone health, fibre helps regulate digestion and maintain a healthy immune system

they contain a variety of minerals, including potassium, magnesium, calcium and iron; they are a valuable source of anthocyanins that lower glucose levels

they contain antioxidants that can reduce oxidative stress in cells, reduce inflammation and strengthen the immune system

they have a low glycaemic index, which means that they can be consumed by diabetics


Strawberries are among the fruits we are waiting for all year. Unfortunately, we can enjoy the taste of fresh fruit only for a short period of time. Fortunately, we can buy a concentrated version of dried strawberries that have a natural strawberry flavour. Freeze-dried strawberries will add valuable vitamins and minerals to our diet, and in addition:

vitamin C contained in strawberries supports the immune system, as a natural antioxidant it can reduce free radicals, thus preventing the development of cancer

fibre helps regulate the digestive process and keep cholesterol levels low

fibre intake may also reduce the risk of heart disease and colon cancer

calcium contained in freeze-dried strawberries can strengthen bones and teeth, and regulate muscle function

iron, also present in freeze-dried strawberries, supports hematopoietic processes and actively participates in the prevention of anaemia


Freeze-dried cherries tempt your taste buds with the sweetness and sourness of summer fruit. In addition to the unquestionable taste quality, these fruits are also a treasury of valuable ingredients:

they contain vitamin C, vitamin A and vitamin E, which can strengthen the immune system and help the body fight against diseases

they are an excellent source of natural fibre, potassium, copper, protein, iron and carbohydrates

they are rich in antioxidants, including anthocyanins, a substance that gives cherries their dark red colour

the antioxidants they contain can prevent the production of free radicals that damage our cells

the antioxidants in freeze-dried cherries can also lower blood sugar levels by increasing the body’s natural production of insulin

they have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects – the high levels of antioxidants in cherries can support the body in relieving inflammation and pain

they are a source of melatonin, which is a natural hormone used by the body for deep and restful sleep

they contain high levels of pectin, a dietary fibre commonly found in fruits. Research has shown that pectin can lower low-density lipoprotein and reduce (bad) cholesterol


Freeze-dried red currants constitute a nutritious snack for children and adults. This fruit is a valuable source of vitamin C, which supports the immune system. Red currants also contain a lot of vitamin K, which is necessary to maintain the calcium content of the bones.

the fruits are rich in vitamin C, which supports the immune system and has antioxidant properties

they contain a lot of fibre, which supports the functioning of the intestines and ensures the development of a healthy intestinal flora

they also contain a lot of vitamin K, which is necessary to maintain the calcium content of the bones

calcium contained in red currants ensures healthy and strong bones and teeth. Because they contain a lot of potassium, they support treatment and prevention of hypertension

they have a diuretic effect, therefore they are recommended to support the treatment of the urinary system


Freeze-dried blackcurrants constitute a delicious and valuable snack with a sweet and savoury taste. They contain vitamins A, B and E and are rich in antioxidants:

one of the richest sources of vitamin C. One serving (about 36 grams) can provide 160% of the daily demand for this element. Vitamin C has a positive effect on the immune system and protects cells from oxidative stress

they are rich in dietary fibre, support the functioning of the digestive system and intestines as well as the weight loss process

they contain vitamin A to support vision, regeneration of the skin and epithelial cells

anthocyanins found in blackcurrants help maintain optimal eye health

polyphenols found in blackcurrants can improve blood circulation. Blackcurrants help reduce inflammation, strengthen our immune system and support regeneration after exercise


Freeze-dried blackberries – these are fruits associated with holidays and walks in the forest. They have a sweet and sour taste, which makes it really pleasant. Due to their low calorie content, you can eat them while dieting.


Freeze-dried cranberries are completely different from dried cranberries that we have known since childhood. Freeze-dried cranberries do not contain sugar, so they have a slightly sour and natural taste. They are a real vitamin bomb!

a portion of freeze-dried cranberries (about 30 grams) can provide up to 80% of the daily demand for vitamin C. Vitamin C supports the immune system and is also a natural antioxidant that can soothe oxidative stress

rich in fibre, good for our intestines and help fight constipation

contain calcium – building blocks of bones and teeth

iron contained in cranberries participates in the hematopoietic process, thus preventing anaemia


The freeze-dried version of pineapple has a large amount of vitamins. All vitamins are retained in the dried fruit, except for vitamin C, which is partially degraded during the freeze-drying process. Pineapple slices contain vitamins C, A and E, as well as B vitamins.

the high level of dietary fibre in this fruit helps control constipation and irregular bowel movements, and may also play an important role in regulating the release of sugar into the blood

a source of bromelain is in the core of the fruit. Bromelain has a beneficial effect on the digestive system itself and has anti-inflammatory properties

it contains vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that prevents the formation of free radicals, supports the effective functioning of the immune system and helps prevent colds and flu

magnesium contained in pineapples plays a key role in the production of cellular energy


Exotic crispy mango is an excellent snack that contains over 20 different vitamins and minerals. It is especially rich in vitamins C, A and B6. This superfruit is also a good source of fibre and folic acid.

rich in vitamin C, it can strengthen the immune system and act as a natural antioxidant, eliminating free radicals

it contains β-carotene, which supports the immune system, eyesight and reduces the risk of asthma and prostate cancer

vitamin K maintains bone health

thanks to the high fibre content, it supports the proper functioning of the digestive system and intestines


If you like sour fruit, chokeberries will be your delicious snack of choice. They can be eaten straight from the package or added to salads, cereals and cookies. Chokeberries contain the same healthy and valuable ingredients that can diversify your diet.

chokeberries are rich in powerful antioxidants, vitamins and contain a lot of anthocyanins

chokeberries also provide folic acid, iron and vitamins A and E

they constitute a source of beneficial antioxidants that help protect cells from potentially damaging molecules called free radicals

they are particularly rich in anthocyanins, which give the berries a deep blue to black colour. They help lower blood pressure and also help reduce eye inflammation

The fibre contained in chokeberries is good for bowel function and also helps fight constipation

chokeberries can strengthen and support the immune system

they also help regulate peak blood sugar levels